Free classifieds in Kongoni

Now you are watching ads of the region Moscow region. You can always change the search region. Give warmth: what to do if the apartment is cold October 1: whether to undergo a technical inspection and how to prepare for it? Precise calculation: construction calculators Metropolitan landlords tighten conditions for renting apartments Drivers are no longer fined for exceeding the average speed Mobile application "From hand to hand" "From hand to hand" - classifieds site. By using the site, you agree to User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The service will compete, for example, with Avito and Yula. Yandex has developed a free service called Yandex.Ads, with the help of which users will be able to sell, buy, exchange and donate goods. There are no restrictions on the number of ads in the service yet, the company told Buyers will be able to add personal notes to posts that will only be available to the author - for example, "Seller is ready to meet on the weekend." You can contact the seller through the built-in messenger. In the future, he will also check the links exc Free classifieds in Kongoni hanged between the buyer and the seller, and warn about suspicious actions. Accounts also have an activity indicator. It is calculated automatically depending on the use of Yandex services and should help make a decision on the deal, the company says. New accounts do not have a badge. The service uses Market data for search. How many users on the platform have already posted ads, the company found it difficult to answer, adding that ads from a "small closed test" are now presented. The site also has automatic moderation, but if the algorithm is "in doubt", a person checks it. Yandex.Ads already has a website, and the service is also built into the Yandex application. Separate apps for iOS and Android will be released in the coming days. The company has not yet talked about plans to integrate the service into other projects.


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