1+ Year Female Purebred Caucasian Shepherd

* Here is a photo of a typical representative of the Caucasian Shepherd dog breed. You can send us photos of your animals to contact@usatik.ru, and we will post them on the site. Don't forget to send your pet's name. Picky Eating (2 out of 5): * The characteristics of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog breed are based on the assessment of the experts of the site Usatik.ru and the reviews of the owners. The data are average and may not reflect the behavior of a single individual. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take into account all the individual characteristics of a single pet. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a giant dog that resembles a small fluffy bear. There is a lot of talk about their aggressiveness, although in fact these dogs are excellent guards and loyal pets. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, when properly trained, exhibit amazing flexible intelligence and also get along well with children. * We suggest you watch a video about the Caucasian Shepherd Dog breed. In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about this breed of do 1+ Year Female Purebred Caucasian Shepherd g, simply by clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, there are a lot of photos in the material. By looking at them you can find out what the Caucasian Shepherd Dog looks like. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an ancient breed of dogs, the origin of which has no unambiguous history. Of course, the dog comes from the Caucasus Mountains. The people needed watchdogs that could guard the flocks of sheep on their own while the shepherd was away. The man needed an independent, self-sufficient and intelligent dog that knows its territory, is able to quickly make decisions and process information. There is a version that the Caucasian Shepherd Dog was obtained by crossing dogs with wolves. This explains well the freedom-loving disposition of the dog, its independence and aggressive nature. Also, wolves, like the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, are purely territorial animals that guard their borders well. But this is only one of the versions of the origin of this breed. The second version is that the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs originate from the Tibetan Great Dane breed - some consider these dogs to be the ancestors of all dog breeds in the world. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are very similar to Tibetan Great Danes, so at least crossing with them is quite a possible circumstance. Interesting fact: Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are widespread on the territory of Russia, but it is impossible to say at what time. In the USSR, they were widely used as service dogs back in the 1920s. The dogs were recognized as the best watchdogs, and they were also used in fierce dog fights. In Europe, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs penetrate slowly until now. Only recently have Western cynological associations become interested in these dogs. The height of an adult male is 68-78 cm, with a weight of 50-125 kg. Bitches are smaller: 64-70 cm, with a weight of 40-115 kg (weight including wool). They are very large, massive dogs that look like bears. The head of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is square, large and heavy. The skull has the shape of a wedge, the superciliary arches are well developed. The muzzle is wide, with a smooth transition to the forehead. Straight, straight nasal bridge. The nose itself is wide, with pronounced nostrils, usually black. The jaws of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog should be wide and massive. Strictly 42 teeth with large dense canines. The bite is also tight to provide a dead grip. The eyes are round and small, set wide apart, black or dark brown in color. The eyelids are well defined and deep set. The ears of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are set high and have a triangular shape. Most often they are docked, which makes the dogs look even more like bears. The neck is short, massive, with a pronounced nape. The body is firm and well balanced. Muscles are developed. The back is wide, sloping, straight. The chest is also broad. The withers are well defined. Croup sloping towards the tail, but firm and firm. The tail of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog can be sickle-shaped or ring-shaped. Always set high and of good length. Legs of medium length, straight, straight, well-developed muscles and broad, stable bones. The paws are rounded and quite dense. https://jiji.ug/kampala/dogs-and-puppies/1-year-female-purebred-caucasian-shepherd-mIdqIIi3VrLGjSXb1VB8IjmB.html


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